
Monday, 30 January 2012

Lambing Update

Hi all

The three ewes are now starting to 'bag up' and my father and I think that by the end of thursday we sould have a lamb or two. I will update you as soon as something appears but in the mean time send in some photos of your lambing and anything you would like to know about lambing. In Feburary I will be giving you a step by step guide to lambing and what to look for.

So getting snapping!!!

Monday, 16 January 2012


Hi all,

Please send in your lambing pics to Your photos will be shown over the next few weeks, SO GET SNAPPING!!!!
I will be also be doing a questionnaire on farming, so keep an eye out for the questionnaire. Over the next couple of days!

From Jack

Saturday, 7 January 2012


Hi All

As soon as one of the ewes lamb, I will post it and from then on wards I will be giving you daily updates. I think that I might be lambing by the end of January.
I hope and wish all farmers a sucessful lambing.

Thanks for reading,
