
Sunday, 17 June 2012


Hi all It has been a wonderful final Show day. The sun has been shining most of the day and everyone was in great spirits. It was the Rare and Minority Breed show day so we had to make some more sheep rings to fit in all the different breeds. The show consisted of some sheep, cattle and pigs  from the RBST WATCHLIST 2012. These are species that are considered endangered or at risk so it is fantastic to think breeders are working so hard to keep them going. Since the Rare Breed Survival Trust began, they have not lost a single species. I was the ring steward for the Shetland sheep. I hadn’t realised before today how many different colours there were within the Shetland breed. The Shetland’s wool is excellent for spinning. The Champion Shetland was a ewe with a lamb at foot from Faygate Rare Breeds. This champion then went into the Interbreed competition. There was an impressive line up of breeds in this and eventually the judge selected a Ryeland from Messrs J & S Donovan (from Pembrokeshire)as his champion.  The reserve was a Kerry Hill. The overall best rare breed in show today was awarded to a Longhorn Bull and was judged by Mrs A Petch from Devon. The judging of this took place in the main ring after the impressive grand parade. Alongside this show today, there were some championship sheep classes from Friday and Saturday’s classes. There was a large turnout in the pairs class and following very close inspection and consideration, the judge awarded the Championship to the Blue Texel pair. The Kerry Hills were runners up. I hope you have enjoyed my show blogs and I’ll resume my weekly reports again very soon. I’ve really enjoyed helping on all 3 days and am looking forward to next year already. Jack

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